Summer Sessions 2019 Course Syllabus
Course: NURA-1160- Section: 12
Clinical Nursing Assistant-Aide and Patient Assistant-Aide
LSCPA Logo Image
Instructor Information
Instructor Shalanda Allen
Phone(409) 984-6363
Location:Educational II - Room: 104
Hours:Office Hours: As posted and by appointment
Allied Health
Chair:Shirley MacNeill
Phone:(409) 984-6365
Course Information
Description A method of instruction providing detailed education, training, and work-based experience, and direct patient/client care, generally at a clinical site. Specific detailed learning objectives are developed for each course by the faculty. On site clinical instruction, supervision, evaluation, and placement is the responsibility of the college faculty. Clinical experiences are unpaid external learning experiences. Course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary.
Prerequisites Admission to Lamar State College- Port Arthur
Learning Outcomes In accordance with the mission of LSC-PA NURA 1301 Nursing students will develop the particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success as basic nurse. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Provide basic care to residents in a long-term care facility.(PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: unit exams, skill lab evaluation and clinical care based on textbook and Long-term care curriculum reading assignments
2. Communicate and interact effectively with residents and their families based on sensitivity to the psychosocial needs.(PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 2) Measured by: unit exams, clinical interactions with patients and families based on discussions and reading assignments
3. Assist residents in attaining and maintaining basic comfort and safety. (PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3) Measured by: observed application of principles of safe basic nursing care in the clinical setting; unit examinations and classroom discussions
4. Protect, support, and promote the rights of the residents. Demonstrate skills in observing and reporting.(PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: interactions and evaluation of safe basic nursing care in the clinical setting based on textbook and Long-term care curriculum reading assignments, skills lab practice and classroom discussions
5. Provide safety and preventive measures in the care of residents. Function effectively as a member of the health care team. (PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: observed application of principles of safe basic nursing care in the clinical setting; unit examinations and role-play scenarios in skills lab setting
Core Objectives
Program Student Learning Outcomes Program Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Basic Nursing Course students will be able to provide basic care to residents of long-term care facilities:

PSLO Alpha: Demonstrate comprehension of content- area reading material.

PSLO 1. Function within the legal, ethical and regulatory standards of the nursing profession.
PSLO 2. Provide safe care to multiple patients who have diverse health care needs.
PSLO 3. Adopt an approach to nursing practice that promotes safety for patients, significant others, self, and members of the healthcare team.
PSLO 4. Cooperate with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to provide optimum, evidence-based, safe, care to patients.
Textbooks Required Textbooks
Sorrentino, Shelia,(2017). MOSBY’S TEXTBOOK FOR Nursing Assistants (9th edition) St. Louis, MO
State of Texas Nurse Aide Skills Performance List
Lecture Topics
Week 1: Introduction into Long-Term Care and Resident’s Rights
Week 2: Communicating with the Health Care Team
Week 3: Nutrition and Fluids, Confusion and Dementia
Week 4: Common Health Care Diseases
Week 5: Safety and Preventing Falls
Week 6: Body Mechanics
Week 7: Sexuality
Week 8: Urinary and Bowel Elimination
Week 9: Hygiene and Grooming
Major Assignments

Teaching Project / Excluded during Summer Sessions

Final Exam Date July 26, 2019 - 8:00 AM   Through  July 26, 2019 - 10:00 AM
Grading Scale A satisfactory (S) is mandatory for each scheduled lab session.
Determination of
Final Grade
System of Grading: LAB
1. A satisfactory (S) is mandatory for each scheduled lab session.
2. The student is expected to treat each scheduled lab session as a learning tool, be present, prepared with necessary supplies, and on time. The student will practice and demonstrate proficiency in the stimulated setting all selected skills and attend assigned labs fully prepared and knowledgeable to those skills.
3. The student will perform all selected "check-off" skills, while being observed by the lab instructor with minimal instructor assistance.
4. The student is responsible for viewing videos (if applicable) prior to check-off time and coming to the check-off with appropriate equipment and partner (if applicable).
5. If a student fails to receive a satisfactory (S) on a selected skills, the student may reschedule, at the instructor's convenience, one (1) make-up. The student is responsible for contacting the instructor. The student must be successfully checked-off on all selected skills prior to attending clinical.
6. Students may do only those procedures in which s/he has had classroom instruction, practiced, and been checked-off in the skills laboratory.
***Any student missing or arriving at the assigned check-off time not prepared to check-off in the allotted time will be required to meet with the lab instructor and the VN Coordinator to discuss the advisability of the student remaining in NURA 1301/1160.
7. Failure to make-up the missed lab will be grounds for dismissal
8. If the student fails to successfully check-off the student will receive a "U" (unsatisfactory) for the failed skill(s) and will not be eligible to attend the clinical portion of NURA 1301/1160, which will result in a failing grade for NURA 1301/1160.
***ALL students MUST BE PASSING with a grade of 75 or better by the completion of Exam 3 to be eligible to continue attending clinical/ PERFORM ADL CARE.
9. Clinical courses are graded as S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). A student's unsatisfactory mid-semester clinical evaluation while in the program may permit continuation (instructor discretion) in the program with continued emphasis on upgrading deficiencies. The student's unsatisfactory clinical evaluation at the end of the semester will result in a clinical course grade of "U" and prohibits further continuation in the program. Students must receive a satisfactory (S) in clinical and achieve a grade of 75 or greater to successfully complete the program, and take the skills and written state exam for nurse aide certification. If a student receives a "75" or greater in NURA 1301 and a "U" in NURA 1160 the student will receive a letter grade of "D" in NURA 1301.
10. Clinical evaluations are complete twice in semester (verbal) mid-term and a written evaluation at the end of semester. Evaluations will include student's ability to apply theory in practice, demonstrate competent client care, and maintain a professional demeanor at all times when in the clinical area. Evaluations are done by the clinical instructor with input from staff with the affiliating agency, clients, and others as appropriate.
11. Students should not attend clinical at a site in which they are employed. The student is responsible for notifying the instructor therefore arrangements can be made to attend another site.
I. Uniform Polices:
The comfort, security, and well being of the client is dependent upon the nurse's level of knowledge and competence, however, in addition to this, it is influenced by the nurse's personal hygiene, appearance, and behavior. Poor grooming and inappropriate behavior may convey to the client and family a feeling of carelessness. Therefore, students enrolled in the LSC-PA Nurse Assistant Program are expected to conform to the following uniform policies.
1. The student will wear the official uniform of the Nurse Assistant Program at all time during clinical. It is okay to wear a white crewneck shirt under uniform. Tattoos must be covered while in clinical setting.
2. Standard name pin will be worn at all times in the clinical setting. It is white with blue letters. Lamar State College-Port Arthur is on the first line. The student's first name and last initial are on the second line. The third line should state Basic Nursing Student.
3. All students are to bathe and use deodorant prior to coming to clinical each day. Do not wear STRONGLY scented powders or perfume.
4. All students are to wear clean newly laundered wrinkle-free uniforms to clinical each day.
5. Shoes are to be white as the primary color, good threads, closed toes, and heels, and in good condition. No canvas shoes are to be worn.
6. White hose or socks are to be worn (hose with skirts).
7. Fingernails must be clean and in reasonable length for safe client care, not to exceed 1/8 inch beyond the fingertip. No artificial nails are allowed. No nail polish is permitted.
8. Hair must be clean, neat and in no way interfere with client care. If long, it must be fastened back from the face and secured so that the long ends remain behind the shoulders during patient care delivery. Scarves, ribbons, ornaments and unnatural hair color (ie. pink, blue, green, purple, etc.) are not acceptable.
9. Only a watch; plain ring band without stones; and one pair of small pearl, silver, gold studs may be worn in the lowest hole of the ears while in uniform. No other body jewelry is allowed.
10. Cosmetics must be used moderately and attractively applied.
11. Sideburns, mustaches, and beards are acceptable on campus, but may be inappropriate in certain clinical facilities. Students are to meet the standard of the facility.
12. Skill Packet, B/P cuff, stethoscope, pen and paper are required for clinical.
Students are to adhere to the uniform policy. Faculty have the right to send a student home who comes to clinical without complying with the uniform regulations. This will result in a clinical absence.
13. Students must pass a mock skills test performed by the instructor before becoming eligible to take the State NACES Examination. STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED 3 ATTEMPS TO PASS 4 OUT OF 5 RANDOMLY SELECTED SKILLS.
14. Students are to be in good medical condition, in order to safely and effectively provide care to residents of the facility, with instructor supervision. Students who are pregnant or have a medical condition must receive a medical release to perform care in the facility, without restriction, according to facility policy and procedures.
The last day to drop or withdraw from the course without academic penalty: October 1, 2018
Course Policies
Instructor Policies System of Grading: LAB
1. A satisfactory (S) is mandatory for each scheduled lab session.
2. The student is expected to treat each scheduled lab session as a learning tool, be present, prepared with necessary supplies, and on time. The student will practice and demonstrate proficiency in the stimulated setting all selected skills and attend assigned labs fully prepared and knowledgeable to those skills.
3. The student will perform all selected "check-off" skills, while being observed by the lab instructor with minimal instructor assistance.
4. The student is responsible for viewing videos (if applicable) prior to check-off time and coming to the check-off with appropriate equipment and partner (if applicable).
5. If a student fails to receive a satisfactory (S) on a selected skills, the student may reschedule, at the instructor's convenience, one (1) make-up. The student is responsible for contacting the instructor. The student must be successfully checked-off on all selected skills prior to attending clinical.
6. Students may do only those procedures in which s/he has had classroom instruction, practiced, and been checked-off in the skills laboratory.
***Any student missing or arriving at the assigned check-off time not prepared to check-off in the allotted time will be required to meet with the lab instructor and the VN Coordinator to discuss the advisability of the student remaining in NURA 1301/1160.
7. Failure to make-up the missed lab will be grounds for dismissal
8. If the student fails to successfully check-off the student will receive a "U" (unsatisfactory) for the failed skill(s) and will not be eligible to attend the clinical portion of NURA 1301/1160, which will result in a failing grade for NURA 1301/1160.
***ALL students MUST BE PASSING with a grade of 75 or better by the completion of Exam 3 to be eligible to continue attending clinical/ PERFORM ADL CARE.
9. Clinical courses are graded as S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). A student's unsatisfactory mid-semester clinical evaluation while in the program may permit continuation (instructor discretion) in the program with continued emphasis on upgrading deficiencies. The student's unsatisfactory clinical evaluation at the end of the semester will result in a clinical course grade of "U" and prohibits further continuation in the program. Students must receive a satisfactory (S) in clinical and achieve a grade of 75 or greater to successfully complete the program, and take the skills and written state exam for nurse aide certification. If a student receives a "75" or greater in NURA 1301 and a "U" in NURA 1160 the student will receive a letter grade of "D" in NURA 1301.
10. Clinical evaluations are complete twice in semester (verbal) mid-term and a written evaluation at the end of semester. Evaluations will include student's ability to apply theory in practice, demonstrate competent client care, and maintain a professional demeanor at all times when in the clinical area. Evaluations are done by the clinical instructor with input from staff with the affiliating agency, clients, and others as appropriate.
11. Students should not attend clinical at a site in which they are employed. The student is responsible for notifying the instructor therefore arrangements can be made to attend another site.
I. Uniform Polices:
The comfort, security, and well being of the client is dependent upon the nurse's level of knowledge and competence, however, in addition to this, it is influenced by the nurse's personal hygiene, appearance, and behavior. Poor grooming and inappropriate behavior may convey to the client and family a feeling of carelessness. Therefore, students enrolled in the LSC-PA Nurse Assistant Program are expected to conform to the following uniform policies.
1. The student will wear the official uniform of the Nurse Assistant Program at all time during clinical. It is okay to wear a white crewneck shirt under uniform. Tattoos must be covered while in clinical setting.
2. Standard name pin will be worn at all times in the clinical setting. It is white with blue letters. Lamar State College-Port Arthur is on the first line. The student's first name and last initial are on the second line. The third line should state Basic Nursing Student.
3. All students are to bathe and use deodorant prior to coming to clinical each day. Do not wear STRONGLY scented powders or perfume.
4. All students are to wear clean newly laundered wrinkle-free uniforms to clinical each day.
5. Shoes are to be white as the primary color, good threads, closed toes, and heels, and in good condition. No canvas shoes are to be worn.
6. White hose or socks are to be worn (hose with skirts).
7. Fingernails must be clean and in reasonable length for safe client care, not to exceed 1/8 inch beyond the fingertip. No artificial nails are allowed. No nail polish is permitted.
8. Hair must be clean, neat and in no way interfere with client care. If long, it must be fastened back from the face and secured so that the long ends remain behind the shoulders during patient care delivery. Scarves, ribbons, ornaments and unnatural hair color (ie. pink, blue, green, purple, etc.) are not acceptable.
9. Only a watch; plain ring band without stones; and one pair of small pearl, silver, gold studs may be worn in the lowest hole of the ears while in uniform. No other body jewelry is allowed.
10. Cosmetics must be used moderately and attractively applied.
11. Sideburns, mustaches, and beards are acceptable on campus, but may be inappropriate in certain clinical facilities. Students are to meet the standard of the facility.
12. Skill Packet, B/P cuff, stethoscope, pen and paper are required for clinical.
Students are to adhere to the uniform policy. Faculty have the right to send a student home who comes to clinical without complying with the uniform regulations. This will result in a clinical absence.
13. Students must pass a mock skills test performed by the instructor before becoming eligible to take the State NACES Examination. STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED 3 ATTEMPS TO PASS 4 OUT OF 5 RANDOMLY SELECTED SKILLS.
14. Students are to be in good medical condition, in order to safely and effectively provide care to residents of the facility, with instructor supervision. Students who are pregnant or have a medical condition must receive a medical release to perform care in the facility, without restriction, according to facility policy and procedures.
The last day to drop or withdraw from the course without academic penalty: June 17, 2019
Attendance Policy Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. Policies for this course are described below:
1. Because poor attendance is a leading reason for termination from a job in all areas of employment, attendance at all scheduled classes/lab/clinical is expected.
2. A student who is absent from course activities for more than three (3) days may be dropped from the program by the Program Director.
3. Students on campus but not in class are considered absent.
4. Late arrival to class is disruptive. Students who consistently arrive after the beginning of the class (2 or more times) will be counseled and a plan of corrective action determined. Class will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Students who arrive after the beginning of class should not enter the classroom and should wait until break to enter.
5. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of any absence. If the student is unable to contact the instructor(s), the student should call 409-984-6356 or 1-800-477-5872 ext. 6356. The student should also email the faculty or call the faculty office and leave a voicemail.
6. If a lab/clinical absence is unavoidable, the student must contact the instructor before 0800 on the morning of the absence and make arrangements to attend another lab/clinical session within 3 days to maintain compliance with the State mandated hourly requirements.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
Facility Policies
  1. No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.

  2. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.

  3. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
Important Information
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
MyLamarPA Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal ( When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA.
Other Statement of Workplace Competencies
1. Ability to select the correct items needed to perform selected basic nursing skills.
2. Acquires and evaluates information through use of the nursing process.
3. Communicates information to and receives input from the health care team to enhance the quality of care provided for patients.
4. Works well with patients and family caregivers from a variety of ethnic, social, and educational backgrounds.
5. Identify priorities of care according to client’s current condition.
6. Demonstrates knowledge of own skills and abilities though clinical competency.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.